Posted in Poetry

‘Till death do us apart

Just like Adam and Eve

We were meant to be,

But then Eden came down on her knees.

Our love laying in rubble,

Beneath our feet.

Oh, what a story to heart I keep.

Just like Rose and jake

We were meant to fly

But titanic perished in the sky.

Our love drowning in water

In an ocean’s pry.

Oh, what a story to with i die.

So Romeo, thy Romeo

Where art thou?

For a lovers will never die

In tragedy and death

I’d be by your side

Death we’ll conquer

Into thy uncertain yonder

Posted in Poetry


To see you I turn

To know you I burn

and therein lies the most solicitous mind

A deceit so grand in size

Even the most condoned juror

May not spare him exile

*The first two lines are borrowed from the movie Chemical Hearts from Amazon Prime.

Posted in Poetry


You are the sun

And I am the moon

You come at dawn

And I humble my turn

When time comes for us to part

Let’s hold our differences to great sublime

Cold, dark, barren world

It’s Our balance that keeps a tight hold

And through them magnanimous blizzard

Of day and night

There will always be a place

For you and I.